Fall on the Farm
Fall at Bow Hill is truly beautiful. The blueberry leaves turn red and the air is crisp and calm. After another whirlwind summer season, it's nice to be able to walk around and admire all that these bushes have done for us; they've provided our staff and us with a livable income, supplied our customers with organic blueberries and happy memories, our distant customers with products in the mail and our community with fresh and frozen blueberries. After all of that, these 71 year-old plants deserve a break. We will take care of the bushes while they take their seasonal rest. We'll spread compost that comes in by the truckload, their leaves will eventually fall to the ground and then we will prune them back so they can hibernate until it's time to begin again. They'll see (and hear) a little excitement in November when our fields are being used as a location for a horror movie being filmed up in the Skagit. In the warehouse, we'll be working on new recipes and gift box ideas. And, of course, we'll be making products out of the berries from the 2018 season! Our farm store is open everyday –10am to 5pm–we'd love to see you. We're also at the Bellingham Farmers Market on Saturdays from 10am to 3pm.
We are very happy to announce that we're in two more grocery stores in Seattle! PCC Community Markets now have our juice & confiture. Juice is located in with the cocktail mixers and the confiture, well, it's with the rest of the confitures, fruit spreads, and jams. Please ask an employee (or use your sleuthing skills) for help finding the products throughout all PCC Community Markets. And if you like one of our products that they do not carry or want a different size, please ask the checker–we're happy to supply if the request comes in. Additionally, we're now at Ken's Market in Greenwood! They have a Bow Hill stand near the cashiers that has all of our products in one place! Speaking of products all in one place, we have stands at the Barkley, Fairhaven and Meridian Haggen Foods' stores in Bellingham, one at the Burlington Haggens, one at Central Co-op in Seattle and one at Skagit Valley Co-op in Mt. Vernon.