Food52 Launch
Hey all, we have exciting news! We are now working with Food52, a group that started because they were passionate about food and recipes, and most of all, sharing them both. They believe in living joyfully and eating thoughtfully. So do we, how about that?
In the words of Amanda and Merrill, Food52's creators:
A few years ago, we set out to bring cooks together from all over to exchange recipes and ideas and to support each other in the kitchen...Together we create cookbooks, take on food projects, help others with our real-time food Q&A—the Food52 Hotline—and support local food producers...We believe that if you want to eat better, and you want to help change our food system, you need to cook. Maybe not all the time, but some. You don't have to eat local foods every day; you don't have to shop at the farmers market every week. But it's good to try. We're not extremists in a cult of purity, slow-foodness, or locavorosity. We're realists who believe in applying the best aspects of those food movements to our everyday lives.
Bow Hill has crafted specialty boxes with them that are exclusive to Food52. Check them out – there are loads of great recipes on their site, excellent products for your home and kitchen, and plenty of tips & tricks of the trade.
Happy cooking, sharing, and rejoicing.
For more on Food52, check out their about page.