Kayaking Through Our Rows
The water is rising up here at Bow Hill. Our blueberries are planted along the old Edison Slough – which experiences annual flooding during these cold and wet months. Sloughs in low-lying flat areas, such as the Skagit Valley, are usually the remains of old river channels that have since changed course. Although the Samish River no longer flows in the channel behind the farm, it is still the lowest area in our watershed. It catches all the runoff in the area as it slowly drains into Samish Bay. This slow runoff gives us the opportunity to try creative methods of traversing around the farm (such as kayaking). Bird watching is one of the my favorite pastimes here in valley and what better way to enjoy it than by sitting in a kayak, while slowly drifting towards Edison. Our heirloom blueberry bushes, such as the Jersey variety, have no problem with flooding. Many blueberry bushes are native to wetlands and are accustomed to seasonal flooding. That is just one of the many advantages to growing heirloom varieties. Some newer varieties don't do well in standing water, but not our heirlooms, they don't mind getting their feet wet!
Until next time,
Harley, Susan, Amelia, Wylie, Pablo, Stacy, Terri, David, Emma, Rachel & Brianna
(plus the whole harvest crew!)