Meet Beck & Miles

Meet Beck & Miles

Meet our newest crew members–Beck and Miles.

Miles grew up in California and has lived in the Pacific Northwest for almost ten years. After working on a farm for his first two years in Washington he was hooked. He has continued to work on farms in Washington and in Hawaii (lucky duck). After many years in the busy city, Miles and his wife, Beck, decided to move to Skagit Valley and enjoy some peace and quiet and to be closer to nature. Miles loves making music and is currently working on a Bachelor degree in audio engineering from Western Washington University. He plays drums, bass, guitar, and piano. Miles also likes to get out to the mountains hiking whenever he can.

Beck grew up outside Boston in a rural suburb full of swamplands, lakes, and horse farms. Childhood in nature meant building forts in the fall, skating on frozen ponds in the winter, tearing through the understory in the spring, and—yes, she admits it—sneaking onto the blueberry farm next to her house to nosh those treasured and delicious emblems of summer. (The sneaking in was just once! She felt really bad afterward and paid the farmer back.) After getting back on the straight-and-narrow, she studied biology in college and after graduating, Beck moved to Seattle to be near family. She started working in environmental restoration, which led to a career in environmental education. Like Miles, she enjoys playing music. Additionally, she makes block prints and is gaining interest in beekeeping.

They met on Bainbridge at a mutual friend’s weekly Taco Tuesday potluck and music jam when Beck was in grad school at IslandWood and Miles was working at HeyDay Farm and Blackbird Bakery on Bainbridge. Their paths crossed a few more times after that and pretty soon we were dating.

Miles and Beck found the Bow Hill soon after finding their cabin in Bow and both applied for jobs here. They live just a few minutes up the hill from the farm and are loving getting to know the Bow-Edison community and farm crew. They fit right in with us. If you remember from our newsletter in months prior, we all love playing trivia at the Longhorn Saloon. They've joined in on Team Bow Hill! Maybe we'll get that onion or roll of toilet paper with their help. Fingers crossed!

On the farm, Miles helps in the warehouse with packing the blueberries and Beck helps in the store and goes to farmer’s markets. At home, they like to use the Organic Pickled Heirloom Blueberry brine to mix up cocktails with gin and grapefruit tonic. Beck also likes to eat pickled blueberries by the spoonful with honey from the Bow Hill beehives and Samish Bay sharp gouda and says "there’s nothing Miles can do to stop me" (not that he'd try, but still).

Stop in at the farm store to meet this wonderful charismatic couple. You'll be glad you did.

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